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The Cayman Islands boast modern infrastructure, low crime rate, excellent healthcare and education facilities, and sound judiciary and pro-business environment, all of which contribute to making the Cayman Islands a vibrant place to live. A full-time population of approximately 78,000 residents comprises more than 130 nationalities.


Benefits of the Cayman Islands Residency-By-Investment Program


Alongside enjoying the stunning vistas, world famous beaches and 365 days of sunshine there are so many more benefits to living in the Cayman Islands.

You can expect:
  • Lower taxation, the Cayman Islands is a tax neutral territory
  • High quality health care & education 
  • Easy access to international cities 
  • Stable currency and a buoyant, diverse economy
  • A safe, civilised, well-run society with stable government and a balanced budget
  • Opportunities to invest in real estate and other businesses
Residency through property ownership offers other practical benefits:
  • Ease of entry into the islands including shorter waits at the airport using the special “Residents” immigration queue line.
  • No need to extend your stay with inconvenient trips to the immigration department to get your passport stamped
  • Equivalent benefits for your spouse and dependents (under the age of 18)
  • Preferred access to the island during times of lockdown (such as Covid if it ever happens again)
  • Opportunity to obtain a UK and Caymanian Passports (Permanent residency only)

Residency by Property Investment

There are two main routes to residency in the Cayman Islands, each with a different set of criteria to qualify and offering different benefits for HNW individuals and their families.


Route 1 - Certificate of Permanent Residency

Must reside in the Cayman Islands for at least 1 day per year

To qualify you must be at least 18 years of age, with no serious criminal convictions, in good health, and in possession of adequate insurance coverage.

You must have invested at least CI$2M/ US$2.4M in developed real estate in the Cayman Islands and have sufficient financial resources to adequately maintain yourself.

Upon payment of CI$100K (US$122K) you will qualify for a certificate of permanent residency, which allows you to reside, but not work, in the Cayman Islands.

However, Certificate holders may apply to the Caymanian Status & Permanent Residency Board or the Chief Immigration Officer for a variation of the Certificate to allow the right to work in the Cayman Islands.

A spouse and dependent children may also enjoy the right to reside in the Islands under the Permanent Residency holders’ certificate (without the right to work).


Route 2 - Renewable Residency Certificate

Must reside in the Cayman Islands for at least 30 days per year

To qualify you must be at least 18 years of age, with no serious criminal convictions, in good health, and in possession of adequate insurance coverage.

You must have a continuous source of income of CI$120K/ US$120K OR have CI$400K/ US$488K in a Cayman Islands registered bank, and have invested in at least CI$500K/ US$610K worth of developed real estate in the islands and have other local investments (Such as shares in a local company, a locally based investment fund, holding funds on account with a local bank or further investment in real estate) making a total investment in the Cayman Islands of at least CI$1M/ US$1.22M.

Upon payment of CI$20K/ US$25K you qualify for a 25-year renewable residency certificate, which allows you to reside, but not work, in the Cayman Islands.


Our Services


IRG’s sister company IRC has been Cayman’s relocation service provider of choice for some of the island's most reputable and prestigious institutions, families, and individuals for the past 30 years and are happy to advise on the process of relocation to and acquiring residency in the Cayman Islands.

IRC offers a convenient one-stop shop providing everything you need for a smooth and trouble-free relocation to the Cayman Islands, whether you are moving yourself, your family, your business, your staff or looking to set up a corporate presence. Our dedicated consultancy specialists ensure that all your relocation needs are met with a highly professional, personalised and efficient service and we work with the islands leading specialists in each field of expertise to ensure this.

Our wealth of local knowledge and experience makes us an invaluable resource for navigating the intricacies of the relocation process and steering you clear of its pitfalls.  Our intimate knowledge of government policies and regulations, the local legislative framework, Cayman’s infrastructure, real estate market and construction/development, enables us to guide you effectively and efficiently through every aspect of the relocation process.